Crystal Vision
Using card edge controls
TANDEM-300 User Manual R1.2
Setting audio delays and silence detect delay
The amount of silence detect or threshold delay can be set independently for each side in
1ms steps from 1 – 681ms using sub-menus C and D of the Status/Config menu MENU
switch all levers UP (or OFF). The silence detect delay for both sides is set using
Status/Config sub-menu E. The following table summarises the choices:
Examples and comments
ADJ funct
Audio delay C 1+2
Del1 xxms
Set delay ‘xx’ for side 1, Embedder
Channels C 1+2 using ADJ shaft encoder in
1ms steps from 1 – 681ms
ADJ= delay
Audio delay C 3+4
Del2 xxms
Set delay ‘xx’ for side 1, Embedder
Channels C 3+4 using ADJ shaft encoder in
1ms steps from 1 – 681ms
ADJ= delay
Silence detect delay
Sil DL xxs
Set silence detect or threshold delay for
both sides using ADJ shaft encoder for the
amount of time a signal is allowed to
remain below –50dB wrt Full Scale before a
silence error is flagged. ‘xx’ values start at
1.5s, 8s and then in increments of 8s to 120s
ADJ= silence
The values for audio delay for embedder channels C 1+2 and C3+4 are entered into the
TANDEM-300 database the moment the ADJ shaft encoder is turned. This has been
provided to allow delay values to be updated as soon as the shaft encoder is altered to
ease the task of setting audio delay empirically.
For all other menus, including silence detect delay, where the shaft encoder changes
assigned values, switch 1 of the MENU switch must be toggled between ON and OFF to
save the new value in the TANDEM-300 database.