Crystal Vision
Statesman operation
TANDEM-300 User Manual R1.2
Routing de-embedding sources to audio outputs
Sources from the ‘A’ de-embedder can be routed to any external ‘I’ output audio option
card on side 1. Sources from the ‘B’ de-embedder can be routed to any external ‘J’ output
option card on side 2. The SDI stream de-embedded from is determined by the SDI input
mode selected (Single or Dual).
Side 1&2 Output Router for mode 1
Route source to destinations by clicking on the crosspoint squares in the matrix. Any
selections made will turn dark red. Invalid selections will be rejected. Click on the Salvo
button when finished. Valid selections will turn bright red and new source-destination
assignments will be loaded into the output routing table.
Applying delay, phase inversion and mute
Check the ‘inv’ box to apply a phase inversion to an output. Check ‘mute’ to output
silence (zero gain) for selected output row.
Delay and stereo to mono conversion cannot be applied to external outputs.
Editing router input and output names
Each of the input and output names may be edited for both embed and output routers.
Changing router input name
Changing router output name
To edit a source or destination name click on the Input or Output text, and a Rename
menu will appear. Enter the desired names in the box provided and click OK. The new
name will be stored in the host PC, and appear each time Statesman is used.