Crystal Vision
Statesman operation
TANDEM-300 User Manual R1.2
Adjusting channel gains
The gain of the four out put channels feeding the SDI output stream embedder can be
varied from 0 to 8 times unity gain.
Gain menu
To adjust channel gain click on the appropriate slider and drag it up or down whilst
holding the left mouse button down. The gain applied will be shown in the read-out
display above the slider. To calibrate a channel to exactly unity gain click on the CAL
button beneath the appropriate slider or right click the slider and choose ‘calibrate’.
To gang gain slider controls together to move them as one, right click on the slider chosen
as the master with the CTRL key held down and then, whilst continuing to hold the CTRL
key, right click on one or more further gain sliders to use as slaves.
To clear ganged gain controls and restore them to individual use, select ‘Clear Ganged
Controls’ in the Tools menu.
Preset Controls
The Preset Controls menu provides access to setup presets, monitoring assignments and
SDI crystal PLL embed reference selection.
Preset Controls menu