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How do I do to see the error log?
Connect the Service tool to connector X2 on leveller board or J2 on processor C-board.
Press LEFT BUTTON SW1 3 times, menu [d] is showed. Select Door submenu by RIGHT
BUTTON SW2 d01 is showed
Press SW1 several times until submenu d09 is showed. Select the submenu by RIGHT BUTTON
SW2. The display now shows the latest error in the log (for example “E24”). If there are no errors the
display shows “End”.
Press the LEFT BUTTON (SW1) to see next error codes. If there are no more error codes, the display
will show “End”.
To leave the menu, press SW2.
Press LEFT BUTTON (SW1) several times until the display shows [d], press one more time on SW1
to exit from service menu.
Alternatively press LEFT BUTTON SW1 continuously for 2sec. to exit from service menu.
The display now goes back to normal operation showing the state of the leveller, shelter or the door.
Alternatively the display showing active error codes.
1.7.2 The display shows an error code. How do I do to see active errors in priority sequence ?
Connect the Service tool to connector X2 on leveller board or J2 on processor C-board.
Press LEFT BUTTON SW1 3 times, menu [d] is showed. Select Door submenu by RIGHT
BUTTON SW2 d01 is showed.
Press SW1 several times until submenu d0C is showed. Select the submenu by RIGHT BUTTON
SW2. The display now shows the error with the highest priority.
Press the LEFT BUTTON (SW1) to see next error code with the immediate following priority.
To leave the menu, press SW2.
Press LEFT BUTTON (SW1) several times until the display shows [d], press one more time on SW1
to exit from service menu.
Alternatively press LEFT BUTTON SW1 continuously for 2sec. to exit from service menu.
The display now goes back to normal operation showing active error codes.
1:8 Indication of time for service
If the set Service interval is reached, either in operating time or in number of cycles, the Service
indicator lamp on the control box will be lit. The lamp will remain lit until the service counters
are reset according to §1.6.3 and §1.6.4. By setting the service interval limit to 0 the indication
of time to service is disabled.
1:9 Limitations of the service tool display
The display has some important limitations that it might be good to know about.
The display consists of only three digits. When there are more than three numbers to show, the
display will scroll from right to left.
1:10 Automatic closing activated?
Activated automatic closing is indicated by a dot in the lower right corner of the display
If the dot is flashing, the closing door timer is counting.
Autoclosing, on + T1 time by trim-potentiometer T1
T2 = d02