CDD 5.0: user manual – Rev.01
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Input signals management
PC04: RVC input function
This parameter permits to set type and function related to the RVC command input.
Parameter value
00 = edge reversing input
(default value)
The signal connected to the RVC pin is a dry contact from an external reversing source
(light curtains, photocells, …). The activation of the signal during door closing implies
the door reversing until the complete reopening of the door (according to PC00 settings
that defines if the controllers reopens automatically or waits for a MLC DOC command)
01 = level reversing input
The signal connected to the RVC pin is a dry contact from an external reversing source
(light curtains, photocells, …). The activation of the signal during door closing implies
the door reversing and reopening until RVC is active (according to PC00 settings that
defines if the controllers reopens automatically or waits for a MLC DOC command)
02 = mechanical safety
The signal connected to the RVC pin is a dry contact from an external retractable safety
edge. In this case the controller applies a signal filter to disable the input signal based to
the door position, when the door is in the “blind zones” of the safety edge, that means
the positions where the edge retracts automatically near to the door opened position
and near to panels closed position.
The values of these “blind zones” are programmable only with the external device as
“Disabling threshold start closing”: default 50mm, adjustable from 1mm to 100mm
“Disabling threshold end closing”: default 50mm, adjustable from 1mm to 100mm.
The diagram below reports the “blind zones” position:
PC21: reversing inputs logic settings
This parameter allows to set the reversing inputs signal logic.
ATTENTION: the parameter is one for both RVC and DETC inputs. This implies:
The signal logic of the devices connected to RVC and DETC must be the same
In case of reversed logic, the input eventually not connected must be bridged to the used common
Edge disabled