Control Station Duetto
Program interface
Incoming calls
In the case of incoming calls, there are several possibilities for call handling.
User interface “incoming calls”
Information about the calling subscriber is displayed on the blue bar , (e.g. contact name, SIP call
number, Intercom call number or call state).
Answer a call
: Tap on the blue button to accept an incoming call. Incoming calls, privacy calls,
and door calls can also be answered by lifting the handset (if connected).
Reject a call
: Tap on the red handset button to reject an incoming call.
Ignore a call
(only for SIP calls): Tap on the crossed-out note button to mute the ringtone of an
incoming call. The call will not be rejected.
Transfer a call
(only for SIP calls): Tap on the arrow button to transfer an incoming or active call.
A new screen appears (
: Tap on the return button to switch back the view to the list view. Incoming calls are on hold
Several incoming calls
If during an ongoing conversation (A) a call comes in (B), a notification appears on the screen. Tap on
the notification message to open the conversation overview (
), where you can answer the
incoming call (B). If you answer the incoming call (B), the ongoing conversation (A) will be put on hold.
An active SIP call is paused while the incoming call is answered (independent of whether the incoming
call is an Intercom or SIP call). After finishing your second call (B), you must manually answer the SIP
call (A) that was put on hold. An active Intercom call has to be cancelled to answer the incoming call.
ATTENTION: Reject calls
Some calls cannot be rejected (