If all values to store are the same as the original already stored values, executing the
command will have no effect. In this case, the modem will only send back the same information as
in the case of
Information about the M2MTalk server connection settings
. So if only the information
is sent back though the user entered the setting command, it means all parameters are already set as
required (it wasn’t needed to change them).
5.2.8. Information about permitting of the alarm SMS messages
If the SMS message
without any parameters is sent, the modem will send back the
SMS message with information whether sending of the alarm SMS messages is enabled or not.
The command
The command for reading of information about permitting of the
alarm SMS messages.
The possible response messages
Sending of warning messages is switched
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
is enabled.
Sending of warning messages is switched
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
is disabled.
5.2.9. Setting of permitting of the alarm SMS messages
The syntax of this command is either
alarms on
alarms off
. In the first case, sending of
the alarm SMS messages will be enabled. Alarm states will be checked periodically. If any alarm
occurs, the alarm SMS message will be sent to the predefined phone numbers. In the second case,
sending of the alarm SMS messages will be disabled.
The command
alarms on
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
will be enabled.
An example of the response message
Sending of warning messages was switched
on from 420123456789
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
was enabled from the phone number
An error occurred while switching sending
of warning messages on
The error occurred, saving of the
parameter didn’t succeed.
The command
alarms off
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
will be disabled.
An example of the response message
Sending of warning messages was switched
off from 420123456789
Sending of the alarm SMS messages
was disabled from the phone number
An error occurred while switching sending
of warning messages off
The error occurred, saving of the
parameter didn’t succeed.
If this setting is performed successfully, the response message will be sent
not only to sender’s phone number, but also to all phone numbers for the warning SMS
messages recipients!