The command
The command for reading of the current values and their alarm
An example of the response message
#12345678: #1: 24.7C 19.0..26.0 #2:
45.5%RH 0.0..50.0 #6: !12.1C 0.0..10.0
The current values and their alarm
settings from the data logger Sxxxx
or Rxxxx.
#12345678: #1: 24.7C 19.0..26.0 1m #2:
!25.0C 10.0..24.0 2m #3: OFF 1m #4: !ON
The current values and their alarm
settings from the data logger
The logger is switched off
A query can’t be processed, because
the data logger is switched off.
An error occurred during communication
with the logger
A query can’t be processed, because
a communication error between the
modem and the data logger has
Data logger type detecting is still in
progress, please try it later
A query can’t be processed, because
detecting of the data logger type
is just in progress. It is
necessary to repeat the command
5.1.3. The query about the modem firmware version
To take the modem firmware version, send the SMS message
to the modem.
The command
The command for reading of the modem firmware version.
An example of the response message
Datalogger Communicator v. 1.1.0
The modem firmware version.
5.1.4. The query about the current modem state information
To take the current modem state information, send the SMS message
to the
modem. The modem will send back a SMS message with followed information:
The command
The command for reading of the current modem state information.
An example of the response message
Uptime: 0d 0hr 26min;M2MTalk online:
yes;Operator: "T-Mobile CZ","T-Mobile
CZ";RSSI: 66dbm;Signal: 99;Registered on
network: yes;Roaming: no
Elapsed time from the modem‘s
switching on.
The current M2MTalk server login
The name of GSM operator.
The signal strength [dBm].
The signal quality.
The SIM card registration on the
cellular network (GSM).
The SIM card registration on the
foreign network (it says if the
roaming is active).