C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
TSL Vertical Stack
R e v. : 0 4 / 2 4 / 2 0 1 9
C l i m a t e M a s t e r Wa t e r - S o u rc e H e a t P u m p s
Table 2: Antifreeze Percentages by Volume
Ground-Loop Heat Pump Applications
Pre-Installation -
Prior to installation, locate and mark all
existing underground utilities, piping, etc. Install loops
for new construction before sidewalks, patios, driveways,
and other construction has begun. During construction,
accurately mark all ground loop piping on the plot plan
as an aid in avoiding potential future damage to the
Piping Installation -
All earth loop piping materials
should be limited to polyethylene fusion only for in-
ground sections of the loop. Galvanized or steel fi ttings
should not be used at any time due to their tendency to
corrode. All plastic to metal threaded fi ttings should be
avoided due to their potential to leak in earth coupled
applications. A fl anged fi tting should be substituted. P/T
plugs should be used so that fl ow can be measured using
the pressure drop of the unit heat exchanger.
Earth loop temperatures can range between 25 and
110°F [-4 to 43°C]. Flow rates between 2.25 and 3 gpm
per ton [2.41 to 3.23 l/m per kW] of cooling capacity is
recommended in these applications.
Test individual horizontal loop circuits before backfi lling.
Test vertical U-bends and pond loop assemblies prior to
installation. Pressures of at least 100 psi [689 kPa] should
be used when testing. Do not exceed the pipe pressure
rating. Test entire system when all loops are assembled.
Flushing the Earth Loop -
Upon completion of system
installation and testing, fl ush the system to remove all
foreign objects and purge to remove all air.
Water Quality Standards -
Table 3 should be consulted
for water quality requirements. Scaling potential should be
assessed using the pH/Calcium hardness method. If the pH
<7.5 and the calcium hardness is less than 100 ppm, scaling
potential is low. If this method yields numbers out of range
of those listed, the Ryznar Stability and Langelier Saturation
The following instructions represent industry
accepted installation practices for closed loop earth coupled
heat pump systems. Instructions are provided to assist the
contractor in installing trouble free ground loops. These
instructions are recommendations only. State/provincial
and local codes MUST be followed and installation MUST
conform to ALL applicable codes. It is the responsibility of
the installing contractor to determine and comply with ALL
applicable codes and regulations.
Ground loop applications require extended range
equipment and optional refrigerant/water circuit insulation.
indecies should be calculated. Use the appropriate
scaling surface temperature for the application, 150°F
[66°C] for direct use (well water/open loop) and DHW
(desuperheater); 90°F [32°F] for indirect use. A monitoring
plan should be implemented in these probable scaling
situations. Other water quality issues such as iron fouling,
corrosion prevention and erosion and clogging should be
referenced in Table 3.
Antifreeze -
If any liquid fl uid or piping is exposed to
unconditioned ambient below 42°F (5.5 C), antifreeze
must be added. If the liquid fl uid entering the heat pump
is 50°F (10°C) or below, calculate the leaving heat pump
temperature (shown in submittal on performance data
selection notes section). Using the lowest temperature
leaving the heat pump, must protect system 15°F (8°C)
lower. IE: if temperature leaving the heat pump is 35°F
subtract 15°F = 20°F protection required, if Methanol
is used the system would require 16% mix by volume.
Antifreeze is available in alcohol and glycols, contact
local sales offi ce for the best type for your system and
area. Following must be considered safety, thermal
performance, corrosiveness, local codes, stability,
convenience, and cost.
All alcohols should be premixed and pumped from
a reservoir outside of the building when possible or
introduced under the water level to prevent fumes.
Calculate the total volume of fl uid in the piping system.
Then use the percentage by volume shown in table
2 for the amount of antifreeze needed. Antifreeze
concentration should be checked from a well mixed
sample using a hydrometer to measure specifi c gravity.
Low Water Temperature Cutout Setting - CXM Control
When antifreeze is selected, the LT1 jumper (JW3) should
be clipped to select the low temperature (antifreeze
10.0°F [-12.2°C]) setpoint and avoid nuisance faults (see
“Low Water Temperature Cutout Selection” in this
Note: Low water temperature operation
requires extended range equipment.
Minimum temperature leaving the unit F (C)
25 (-4)
30 (-1)
35 (1.5)
42 (5.5)
Protect liquid fl uid to
10 (-12)
15 (-9)
20 (-6.5)
25 (-2.5)
100% Food Grade PG
*Ethanol must not be denatured with any petroleum based product
CXM/DXM - must clip LT1 jumper if antifreeze is used. DO NOT clip without
Check with hydrometer after pump has mixed fl uid well, now and at beginning
of each heating season.