Sys tem Check list & Trou ble shoot ing (Con tin ued)
Step 9.
Test the dis arm func tion.
Disarm by pressing the
button on the remote control. The following should occur:
Siren chirps once
. If the siren does not chirp once, refer to step 3.
Parking lights flash once.
If the parking lights do not flash once, refer to step 4.
LED stops flashing.
If not refer to step 6.
Doors un lock.
If not refer to step 5.
Immobilizer cir cuits im me di ate ly dis en gage
(test this by turn ing the key in the ig ni tion
switch; the en gine should crank, start and idle nor mally). If the Immobilizer circuits do
not disengage, refer to step 2.
In te rior cour tesy light(s) turn on
and stay on for 30 sec onds or un til the ig ni tion is
turned on, which ever oc curs first.
If the in te rior light(s) do not turn on, ver ify that you re placed the interior light fuse
you re moved or have turned the lights back on as noted in step 1 of this sec tion.
Check the Tazor 4’s 20A fuse. If the fuse blew when you dis armed, the ve hi cle uses a
posi tive door trig ger and you con nected the in te rior light sup ply wire to ground
in stead of +12 volts. Re place the 20A fuse and retest.
Check the door trig ger cir cuit. See step 10 for more information on testing the door
trigger circuit.
Step 10.
Test the door trig ger cir cuit.
Rearm the sys tem. Wait at least 10 seconds (if the vehicle has delayed or dimming courtesy
lights, be sure to wait at least 10 seconds after the interior lights have turned off)
Use the key
to unlock and open the driver’s door.
Siren sounds, parking lights flash repeatedly.
This is the correct response, proceed to
step 11. (You can silence the siren by press ing the
button on the re mote con trol
once or disarm by pressing the button twice.)
Siren does not sound immediately.
If the alarm does not sound im me di ate ly when one
of the doors is opened, make sure that that door’s pin switch is work ing prop erly and,
when open, is con sis tently show ing less than 1.5 volts if the ve hi cle has
negative- switching door trig gers or more than +11 volts if the ve hi cle has
positive- switching door trig gers, also make sure the pin switch is connected to the
correct wire. If not, then the door pin switch (or pin switches) is ei ther de fec tive or in
need of clean ing.