Pas sen ger Com part ment Con nec tions (Con tin ued)
Win dow Con trol
If the windows can be closed using a key in the door of the car then an optional relay can be
added to automatically close the power windows or the sunroof.
Auto matic Win dow/Sun roof Clo sure (re quires op tional re lay)
If the door key can close the power windows/sunroof, you can make them automatically close
upon remote arming:
1. Find the wire that shows 12V or (-) when the key is held to lock in the door
2. Tap a wire in to this wire and connect to terminal 30 of the relay.
3. If the wire shows (-) when the key is turned, connect terminal 87 to (-). If the wire shows
+12V when the key is turned, connect terminal 87 to 12V.
4. Connect the GRAY/BLUE wire terminal 85.
5. C12V to terminal 86.
6. Turn on the
AutoActivate timed accessory upon remote arming
feature as noted in the
Installer-Programmable Features.
7. Set the timer duration to proper time interval with two seconds added to that time
Starter or Ig ni tion Im mo bi li za tion Cir cuit
Either the starter or ignition circuit can be disabled with the immobilizer.
NOTE: The starter cir cuit may carry a very high cur rent. Be cer tain that the
starter wire con nec tions are solid.
To in ter rupt the ig ni tion cir cuit:
1. Locate the ignition switch wireloom under the dash and use a voltmeter to locate the one
wire that c12V throughout
BOTH the cranking AND engine running cycles
and 0 volts when the ignition is off.
2. Start the engine, then cut the ignition wire. The engine should stop running.
3. Connect the WHITE/RED wire and WHITE/BROWN wire to the key side of the cut
ignition line.
4. Connect the other WHITE/RED wire to the ignition side of the cut ignition line.
To in ter rupt the starter cir cuit:
1. Use a voltmeter to locate the
wire that c12V during the
cranking cycle
2. Cut this wire, then try to start the engine. It should not crank.
3. Con nect the WHITE/RED wire to the key side of the cut starter line.
4. Connect the other WHITE/RED wire to the starter side of the cut starter line.
5. Locate the ignition switch wireloom under the dash and use a voltmeter to locate the one
wire that c12V throughout
BOTH the cranking and engine running cycles,
0 volts when the ignition is off.
6. Connect the WHITE/BROWN wire to this wire.