Chapter 1 Introducing the Model DPR2320, DPR2325, EPR2320, and EPR2325 Cable Modem Gateways
68-4004214-01 Rev D
If the cable modem gateway does not contain the software version requested by
the configuration file, the cable modem gateway requests that software version
from the TFTP server. When the software installation is complete, the cable
modem gateway restarts the entire initialization process again at the scan for
downstream channel stage.
If the system instructs the cable modem gateway to use a different frequency
from what the cable modem gateway is currently using, the cable modem
gateway cannot proceed to the next stage: register with the CMTS. The cable
modem gateway must repeat the scan for downstream channel stage or
reestablish ranging on a new upstream channel.
Register with the CMTS
After the cable modem gateway completes the transfer operational parameters stage,
the cable modem gateway now registers with the CMTS. After the cable modem
gateway receives a reply from the CMTS confirming its registration request, the
cable modem gateway is now authorized to forward network traffic from the CPE.
Initialize Baseline Privacy
Baseline Privacy functions in the CMTS and in the cable modem gateway are used to
encrypt data being transferred to and from the cable modem gateway. Following
registration with the CMTS, if the cable modem gateway is provisioned to run with
baseline privacy, the cable modem gateway must initialize baseline privacy
operations. Using baseline privacy means that all data transferred is secure.