Time since the counters in this command were last
cleared using the
clear counters
Exec command in
Last clearing of
show interface
Average number of bits and packets received per
second in the last 5 minutes. If the interface is not in
promiscuous mode, it senses network traffic that it
sends and receives (rather than all network traffic).
The 5-minute period referenced in the
command output is a load interval that is
configurable under the interface. The default
value is 5 minutes.
The 5-minute input should be used only as
an approximation of traffic per second during
a given 5-minute period. This rate is
exponentially weighted average with a time
constant of 5 minutes. A period of four time
constants must pass before the average will
be within two percent of the instantaneous
rate of a uniform stream of traffic over that
5 minute input rate
Average number of bits and packets transmitted per
second in the last 5 minutes. If the interface is not in
promiscuous mode, it senses network traffic that it
sends and receives (rather than all network traffic).
The 5-minute period referenced in the
command output is a load interval that is
configurable under the interface. The default
value is 5 minutes.
The 5-minute output should be used only as
an approximation of traffic per second during
a given 5-minute period. This rate is
exponentially weighted average with a time
constant of 5 minutes. A period of four time
constants must pass before the average will
be within two percent of the instantaneous
rate of a uniform stream of traffic over that
5 minute output rate
Number of packets received on the interface that were
successfully delivered to higher layers.
packets input
Number of bytes received on the interface.
Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Interface and Hardware Component Command Reference,
Release 5.3.x
Integrated Routing and Bridging Commands on the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Router
show interfaces bvi