Cisco Aironet 340, 350, and CB20A Wireless LAN Client Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for Windows
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
Error Messages
Error Message
Restarting the client adapter will cause you to lose your network
connection. Are you sure you want to restart your client adapter?
The Restart Card option was selected from the Commands drop-down menu in ACU,
which may cause you to lose your network connection.
Recommended Action
If you want to reinitialize your client adapter, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.
Error Message
Unable to Open filename
The selected firmware file cannot be found.
Recommended Action
Re-copy the firmware file to a floppy disk or to your computer’s hard drive and
try to load it again or select a different firmware file and try to load it.
Error Message
Wireless Connection Unavailable. (Windows XP only)
ACU was used to configure the client adapter on Windows XP, but the Use Windows to
configure my wireless network settings check box in Windows XP is checked. This message
appears even if the client adapter is associated to an access point.
Recommended Action
Uncheck the Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings check
box in Windows XP to force Windows to display the correct status.
Error Message
You cannot run a link test because your client adapter is not
An attempt was made to run a link test while the client adapter was not associated to an
access point or other wireless device.
Recommended Action
Run the link test after the client adapter is associated to an access point or
another wireless device.
Error Message
You cannot run a link test because your client adapter’s radio is
turned off.
An attempt was made to run a link test while the client adapter’s radio was off.
Recommended Action
Turn on the client adapter’s radio by selecting Radio On from the Commands
drop-down menu in ACU; then run the link test.
Error Message
You must enter WEP key 1! (Press the "Static WEP Keys" button to open
the Static WEP Keys dialog box.)
Static WEP was selected on the Network Security screen, but a WEP key was not
Recommended Action
Click Static WEP Keys on the Network Security screen. Then follow the
instructions in the
“Entering a New Static WEP Key” section on page 5-32
to enter a static WEP key.