Cisco ME 3800X and 3600X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 34 Configuring MPLS, MPLS VPN, MPLS OAM, and EoMPLS
Configuring MPLS OAM and IP SLAs MPLS
Step 20
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor
reaction-configuration operation-number react
monitored-element [action-type option]
[threshold-type {consecutive [occurrences] |
immediate | never}]
(Optional) Configure other LSP Health Monitor actions:
operation-number—Enter the operation number.
react monitored-element—Specify the element to be
monitored for violations. For example, enter
connectionLoss to configure a reaction to a 1-way
connection loss for the operation.
(Optional) action-type option—Specify the action to take
when the threshold event occurs. For example, enter none
for no action or trapOnly to send an SMNP logging trap.
(Optional) threshold-type—Specify when the action-type
occurs. These are the options:
consecutive [occurrences]—When reaction conditions
are met consecutively for a specified number of times.
The valid range is from 1 to 16; the default is 5.
(Optional) threshold-type immediate—When the
reaction conditions are met.
(Optional) threshold-type never—Never. This is the
default threshold type.
Step 21
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor schedule
operation-number schedule-period seconds
[frequency seconds] [start-time {hh:mm {:ss}
[month day | day month] | pending | now | after
Schedule time parameters for the LSP Health Monitor.
operation number—Enter the operation number.
schedule-period seconds—Enter the schedule period in
seconds. The range is 1 to 604800 seconds.
(Optional) frequency seconds—Enter the frequency for
LSP monitoring in seconds. The range is 1 to 604800
(Optional) start-time—Enter the time for the operation to
begin collecting information:
To start at a specific time, enter the hour, minute,
second (in 24-hour notation) and day of the month. If
no month is entered, the default is the current month.
Enter pending to select no information being collected
until a start time is selected.
Enter now to start the operation immediately.
Enter after hh:mm:ss to indicate that the operation
should start after the entered time has elapsed.
Step 22
auto ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor reset
(Optional) Reset LDP monitor group statistics.
Step 23
Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 24
show ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor configuration
Show the configured LSP monitoring operations.
Step 25
copy running-config startup-config
(Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Step 26
show ip sla mpls-lsp-monitor summary
Display a summary of IP SLAs LSP MPLS status.