VPN 3002 Hardware Client Getting Started
Chapter 1 Understanding the VPN 3002 Hardware Client
Additional Software Features
The following sections describe H.323 features, referring to
Figure 1-2
H.323 Element
Microsoft conferencing and collaboration software. Features include video and
audio conferencing, whiteboard, chat, file transfer, program sharing, and
remote desktop sharing.
VPN 3002 H.323 services support NetMeeting. PCs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and
POTS_1 and 2 can communicate using NetMeeting applications. This includes
PC3 communicating with PC 4, and PC1 communicating with PC2. Any PC
can host a NetMeeting conference.
A Cisco IOS H.323 GateKeeper, for example, a Cisco 2620 router.
GateKeepers provide registration, call control, and status management for
H.323 endpoints and gateways.
GateKeeper services must reside on the corporate network.
Multiple NetMeeting PCs behind the same VPN 3002 can simultaneously
register and place H.323 calls to one or more GateKeeper zones. For
example, PC 3 and PC 4 can both register to either GateKeeper A or
GateKeeper B, and PC3 can register to GateKeeper A at the same time that
PC 4 registers to GateKeeper B.
Two or more PCs behind a VPN 3002 that register to a GateKeeper can
make or receive simultaneous calls between two or more endpoints. For
example, PC 1 can call PC3 at the same time that a call from PC 2 to PC 4
and PC 5 is in progress.
ILS (Internet
Locator Directory
Microsoft software that uses the LDAP protocol to provide registration and
status management for H.323 endpoints.
ILS services must reside on the corporate network.
Multiple PCs behind the same VPN 3002 cannot register to an ILS server.
For example, PC 3 and PC 4 cannot both register to the same ILS server.
PC 1 and PC 4 can both register to the same ILS server.
ILS registration for NetMeeting on Windows 9x PCs defaults to LDAP port
389, and for Windows 2000 PCs to port 1002. If your ILS server cannot use
port 1002, you need to reconfigure Windows 2000 PCs for LDAP port 389.
A PC can register with either a GateKeeper or with an ILS server, but not both simultaneously.
A Cisco IOS H.323 Gateway, for example, a Cisco 3620 router. Gateways let
H.323 devices, in this case NetMeeting PCs, communicate with non-H.323
devices, such as POTS phones.
Plain old telephone system. Any PC can initiate a NetMeeting call to a POTS
phone and exchange audio. However, a POTS phone cannot initiate a call to a
NetMeeting PC behind a VPN 3002.
In this example, PCs 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 can initiate calls to POTS_1 or POTS_2,
but POTS_1 and POTS_2 can only receive calls.
Multipoint control units. The VPN Concentrator H.323 implementation does
not support MCUs.
H.323 Endpoint
A PC running NetMeeting or an H.323 Gateway.