International Burch University | Francuske revolucije bb | 71210 Ilidza | Bosnia and Hercegovina
www.ip-integra.ba | [email protected] | Tel. +387 33 922 890
FE-W826-T2 Setup guide
Connect all the antennas correctly, then insert your SIM card into the SIM card slot of the
router. Check with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) company to get an APN (Access Point
Name) according to your SIM card. Different ISPs have different APN.
Power up the router. With your pc connected to the router network, open a web browser. In
the web browsers address bar enter router
s IP address Login-page as shown in
Picture 1 will open, enter username and password provided by your ISP company. For every
next login, a page will open as shown in Picture 2. Username and password can be found on
the backside of the router.
Picture 1