F I N A L D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter 5 SNMP MIB Installation and Configuration
Retrieving Information CtmpMinHysteresis
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaCtmpMinHysteresis
Syntax Description
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaCtmpMinHysteresis
Displays the minimum case hysteresis temperature alarm threshold.
The following command displays case temperature alarm hysteresis and other data:
snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup command
The cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup command is shown in
Example 5-14 on page 5-28
. For information
about all of the parameters in the cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup table, see
Table 5-6 on page 5-12
5.6.5 Power Bus Power Bus Mode
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaPowerBusMode
Syntax Description
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaPowerBusMode
Displays the power bus mode (simplex or duplex).
The following command displays power bus voltage and other data:
snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup command Power Bus Alarm Threshold PowerBusDCVoltageMax
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaPowerBusDCVoltageMax
Syntax Description
snmp attribute get local cerent15216EdfaPowerBusDCVoltageMax
Displays the maximum allowable power bus DC voltage (multiplied by –10V).
The following command displays power bus voltage and other data:
snmp row display local cerent15216EdfaCfgGroup command