F I N A L D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter 6 ASH Commands
Restore Commands
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapIndex = 1;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapCommunity = "private";
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapDestIPAddress =;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapDestUDPPort = 162;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapViewIndex = 1;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapVersion = v2;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapStatus = active;
CLASS CERENT-15216-EDFA-MIB.cerent15216EdfaCommTrapEntry ::=
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapIndex = 2;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapCommunity = "private";
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapDestIPAddress =;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapDestUDPPort = 162;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapViewIndex = 1;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapVersion = v2;
cerent15216EdfaCommTrapStatus = active;
6.9 Restore Commands
6.9.1 backup system Command
backup system
Syntax Description
backup system filename
Creates a backup file on the FFS with the configuration information of the ONS 15216 EDFA2. This file
contains manufacturing information about the unit that is being backed up (such as part number and
serial number), setup information for the unit (such as IP address and host name), all configuration
information (such as alarm thresholds and pump mode), and the user database.
6.9.2 restore system Command
restore system
Syntax Description
restore system filename
Restores the configuration information from a backup file on the FFS to the ONS 15216 EDFA2. During
this process, all configuration information (such as alarm thresholds and pump mode) and the user
database from the file are replaced in the ONS 15216 EDFA2 memory and FFS. Before the restore
begins, a cyclic redundancy code (CRC) check is performed to ensure data integrity.