F I N A L D R A F T - C I S C O C O N F I D E N T I A L
Cisco ONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter 5 SNMP MIB Installation and Configuration
Enabling SNMP Remote Management Community Strings
5.2.2 Creating a Community Entry
SNMP communities are groupings of workstations and servers (or gateways) that can manage the
ONS 15216 EDFA2. NMSs use SNMP communities to enforce security. Because access to the SNMP
agent is controlled by a community entry, every SNMP agent must be configured to recognize one or
more community names, and to provide the appropriate level of access to managers according to the
community name. The following commands describe the commands for displaying or setting community
entries. Users should consult with the Cisco TAC before modifying these settings. Set CommunityEntry
snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaCommunityEntry
Syntax Description
snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaCommunityEntry community_index_#
After creating a view, use the snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaCommunityEntry command to
create a community entry for that view.
The SNMP manager prompts the user for each attribute. Press the Spacebar and then the Tab key after
a prompt to view possible data inputs (
Example 5-4
). Refer to
Table 5-4 on page 5-8
for information
concerning data for each prompt.
Example 5-4
cerent15216EdfaCommunityEntry Set Command
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> snmp row set local cerent15216EdfaCommunityEntry 3
Table 5-3
Creating a View
Data Prompt
snmp row set local
cerent15216EdfaViewEntry 1
View Index: A unique value for each
MIB view.
This value is the number entered
with the command.
Sub-Tree Object Identifier
Sub-Tree Object Identifier: An
object identifier that designates a
sub-tree element in the MIB
hierarchy. zeroDotZero specifies the
entire CLI MIB hierarchy.
A bit mask that identifies objects in
the subtree.
A flag that specifies the status of the
view. Valid entries are included and
If the entry currently exists, use
active. (CreateAndGo cannot be
used if any entry exists.)