Ventilation of the boiler’s room
Under the legislation law of each boiler must have a built-in supply vetnilation of air to ensure
proper boiler operation and safety of users. No ventilation supply air or obstruction is the most
common cause of abnormal operation of the boiler (smoking, retting of the boiler, the impossibility
of obtaining a higher temperature). LEV is the task of waste discharges from the room air and
harmful gases. In the boiler room with the natural drought chimney can not be used mechanical
Supply air ventilation.
Ventilation of the channel should have a size of 50% cross-sectional area of the chimney, not less
than 20 x 20 cm. Its outlet should be located 1 m above the floor. The air-supply opening or duct
shall be a device for adjusting the air flow, but such is not allowed to reduce the cross section more
than 1/5. The flue should be made of noncombustible material.
LEV – outlet ventilation.
Channel should be brick with min 25% of the cross section of the chimney not less than 14 x 14 cm.
Inlets can not have any cross section of the closing device. The outlet should be near the ceiling
space, led to the roof of at least 1.5 m flue should be made of noncombustible material.
6. Operation
Start-up burner.
Preparation for start-up should include a general overview of the technical condition of the boiler
room and installation involving, among others: check the boiler equipment and installation, check
the tightness of exhaust ducts, control, circulation pumps, etc..
1. Fill the fuel into the hopper (silo)
2. Attach the feeder to fill it to full with pellets (manual mode in controller).
3. Connect the unit to the mains (plug socket), and turn on the manual work of the feeder.
4. Set working times of the feeder at boot up and during burner operation, the power
fan and the other parameters of the burner.
5. Set the desired temperature on the controller.
6. The unit will start automatically when you enable the START
Boilers require supervision every 8 hours, which includes checking the fuel level and the
flame of the burner and boiler water.
Adjust the burner can be performed only by qualified personnel or persons with the
necessary knowledge and experience.
When you first start up or as well change quality of the fuel, adjust the time of the fuel feed mode
(power min. and max.). And the firing mode and adjust the air.
Regulators have their factory settings but because of the varying quality of the pellet and the draft
should adjust them.