INST No INE -403-0P0
Power supply
Make sure that the power voltage of this unit meets the feed power voltage without fail
before feeding power to this unit.
Protective grounding
Perform the protective grounding without fail before turning on the power supply of this
unit for the purpose of preventing an electric shock accident.
Necessity of protective groundin
Don’t cut the internal or external protective grounding wire of this unit nor disconnect
the wiring at the protective grounding terminal.
A defect of protective functions
Don’t operate this unit, if the protective grounding, fuse, or other protective functions
seem to be defective. Check the protective functions for defects before operating this
Use in a gaseous atmosphere
Never operate this unit at a place where a combustible gas, an explosive gas or their
vapors exist., otherwise a very dangerous accident will occur.
Never touch the interior by hand.
This unit is internally provided with high- voltage circuits. Never touch the interior by
hand when the voltage is applied to this unit.
External connections
Perform the protective grounding securely without fail before connecting this unit to a
measuring object and/or an external control circuit.