CET Inc.
4.4 Data Logging
4.4.1 Peak Demand Log
The PMC-512-D records the
Peak Demand
This Month (Since Last Reset)
Last Month (Before Last
with timestamp for Current, kW Total for Mains Meter and SMs. All Peak Demand information
can be accessed through communications. Please refer to
for a complete description of the
Self-Read Time
and its operation. The
Peak Demand Log
This Month (Since Last Reset)
and all the
Peak Demand
can be reset individually through the Front Panel or via communications.
4.4.2 Monthly Energy Log
The PMC-512-D stores monthly energy data of the Mains Meter and SMs for the present month and the
last 24 months. The
Energy Log Self-Read Time
setup parameter allows the user to specify the
time and day of the month for the Recorder’s Self-Read operation via communications. The Monthly
Energy Log is stored in the meter’s non-volatile memory and will not suffer any loss in the event of power
failure, and they are stored on a First-In-First-Out basis where the newest log will overwrite the oldest.
Monthly Energy Log Self-Read Time
supports two options:
A zero value means that the Self-Read will take place at 00:00 of the first day of each month.
A non-zero value means that the Self-Read will take place at a specific time and day based on the
formula: Energy Self-
Read Time = Day x 100 + Hour where 0 ≤ Hour ≤ 23 and 1 ≤ Day ≤ 28. For example,
the value 1512 means that the Self-Read will take place at 12:00pm on the 15th
day of each month.
The Monthly Energy Log can be reset manually through the Front Panel or via communications.
4.4.3 SOE Recorder
The PMC-512-D’s
can store up to 512 events such as Power-On, Power-Off, Alarms, Relay actions,
Digital Input status changes, Diagnostics and Setup changes in non-volatile memory. Each event includes
a cause, its relevant parameter values and a timestamp in 1ms resolution.
All events can be retrieved through the Front Panel or via communications. If there are more than 512
events, the newest event will replace the oldest event on a FIFO basis. The SOE Log can be reset through
the Front Panel or via communications.
4.4.4 Data Recorder Log
The PMC-512-D provides one Data Recorder capable of recording a maximum of 60 parameters. Up to
5,000 Data Recorder Logs can be stored in the device’s non-volatile memory and will not suffer any loss
in the event of a power failure.
The programming of the Data Recorder is only supported over communication. The Data Recorder
provides the following setup parameters:
Setup Parameters
Trigger Mode
0=Disabled / 1=Triggered by Timer
Recording Mode
0=Stop-When-Full / 1=First-In-First-Out
Recording Depth
1 to 5000 (entry)
Recording Interval
60 to 345,600 seconds
60 s
Offset Time
0 to 43,200 seconds, 0 indicates no offset.
Number of Parameters
0 to 60
Parameter 1 to 60
Appendix B
Table 4-13 Setup Parameters for Data Recorder