CET Inc.
Chapter 4 Applications
4.1 Inputs and Outputs
4.1.1 Digital Inputs
The PMC-512-D is equipped with 13 Wet Contact
Digital Inputs
s) that are used for breaker status
monitoring. Changes in Digital Input status are stored as events in the SOE Log at 1 ms resolution. Each
has the following setup parameters:
Setup Parameter
DIx Excitation
(Reg. # 6100)
Specifies the voltage excitation level.
0 = 220VDC*
1= 220VAC, 2 = 110VDC
3= 110VAC, 4= 48VDC
5= -48VDC
DIx Debounce
(Reg. # 6101~6113)
Specifies the minimum duration the
remain in the Active or Inactive state before a
DI state change is considered to be valid.
1 to 9999 (ms)
Table 4-1 Definition for DI Parameters
The available options for
DI Excitation
would depend on the PMC-512-D model. The 48VDC and -48VDC options are only
available for the hardware that are equipped with 48VDC DI while the 220VDC, 220VAC, 110VDC and 110VAC options are
available for the 240VDC (max. 336VDC) DI.
4.1.2 Analog Input
The PMC-512-D comes standard with an Analog Input which can be programmed as 0mA to 20mA or
4mA to 20mA input. There are 3 setup parameters:
Setup Parameter
AI Type
(Reg. # 6050)
Select between 0-20mA or 4-20mA input.
0 = 4 -20 mA*
1 = 0 -20 mA
AI Zero
(Reg. # 6051)
This value corresponds to the minimum Analog
Input of 4 mA (for 4-20mA input) and has a range of
-999,999 to +999,999.
-999,999 to +999,999
AI Full
(Reg. # 6053)
This value corresponds to the maximum Analog
Input of 20 mA and has a range of -999,999 to
-999,999 to +999,999
Table 4-2 AI Setup Parameters
For example, to measure the oil temperature of a transformer, connect the outputs of the temperature
sensor to the AI terminals of the PMC-512-D. The temperature sensor outputs 4mA when the
temperature is -25°C and 20mA when the temperature is 100°C. As such, the Type parameter should be
programmed as 4-20mA. The AI FULL parameter should be programmed with the value 100, and the AI
ZERO parameter should be programmed with the value -25. Therefore, when the output of the sensor is
20mA, the reading will be 100.00°C. When the output is 4mA, the reading will be -25.00°C. When the
output is 12mA, the reading will be (100°C - (-25°C)) x (12mA-4mA) / (20mA-4mA) + (-25°C) = 37.50°C.
4.1.3 Energy Pulse Outputs
The PMC-512-D comes standard with one Front Panel LED Pulse Output for kWh pulsing. Energy pulsing
mode can be programmed from the Front Panel or through communications via the LED EN Pulse setup
parameter. Energy Pulse Outputs are typically used for accuracy testing. The pulse constant can be
configured as 1/10/100/400/1000/3200 imp/kWh.