Technical instructions
BioTec Plus
Operation phases (stages) - shown on the screen
If upper boiler door is opened, there is no possibility of manual confirmation of the
message "IGNITION 2/3" either is not possible to automatically move to the next
message "IGNITION 3/3". Closing the upper boiler door, boiler moves to above
described (normal) procedure phase "S1".
2. If upper boiler door is opened when on the screen is displayed message
"IGNITION 3/3" move to the next stage ("SP1") or "SP2" is only possible by using
manual message confirmation while automatically is not possible.
- Setting the start position primary / secondary is necessary for the next phase "SP2".
- When the primary / secondary are adjusted boiler goes into a phase "SP2".
- If the required position of primary / secondary had been set earlier, this phase "SP1"
doesn’t appear on the screen).
- The time of duration this stage "SP2" is factory defined.
- Before the end of this stage regulation based on the measured parameters of the
boiler operation allows the transition to the next phase "SD6" ("DX") or otherwise
records information in history and extends this state "SP2" for factory defined time
period after which repeats the comparison of the measured and the required
parameters and allow you to move to the next stage "SD6" ("DX") or if the conditions
are not satisfy writes an error and stops the operation of the boiler.
- Set the power blades for D6, if the required position primary / secondary had been
earlier set this state "SD6" does not appear on the screen.
- Stage "DX" is the common name for operation phases of the boiler on “D6","D5","D4","D3".
- phase “DX” doesn’t appear displayed on the screen but is displayed one of the operation
of the boiler "D6", "D5", "D4", "D3" which depends about boiler modulation phase.
- These conditions are becoming current when the following conditions are met:
Tboiler =<(Tboiler_set – 4) => D6
Tboiler =(Tboiler_set – 3) => D5
Tboiler =(Tboiler_set – 2) => D4
Tboiler =(Tboiler_set – 1) => D3
Tboiler >=(Tboiler_set – 0) => shutdown
- Indicate that the upper boiler door is opened.
- Turning off the boiler either due to reaching the set temperature of the boiler, too low
combustion chamber temperature or too high flue gas temperature (Tfg>300 °C ).
- The boiler wait that the temperature in boiler drops to the set temperature of the boiler
reduced by set differential.
- Blowout while boiler is waiting that temperature in boiler drops to the settemperature
of the boiler reduced by set differential.
- Start boiler-setting primary / secondary, after the boiler temperature dropped to the set
temperature of the boiler reduced by set differential.