Cleaning / maintenance interval
Boiler type
Before each ignition
25, 35 and 45 kW
Cleaning ash in firebox and under firebox
(through middle and lower door - left part
of the boiler) and ash tray emptying from
right part of the boiler.
Before every ignition is necessary to clean area below firebox and lower refractory stone (DS)
(through middle and lower boiler door (DV)) and empty ashtray (PA) from the right side of the
boier. Before cleaning is necessary to turn on option "cleaning". Fan will work at maximun speed
to reduce the spread of dust to the room. When you finish cleaning, press the "STOP" button. If
time of 30:00 minutes has expired cleaning option (fan) will automatically turn off.
1. Press button ”Cleaning“ on main screen
2. Press button ”OK“
3. Open front boiler door (VI).
4. Open middle boiler door
5. Open lower boiler door (DV).
6. Insert the ashtray to the middle gate (1) and
clean up firebox with scraper and push the ash
on the ashtray.
7. Insert the ashtray under lower door and
use scraper to clean refractory stone(DS) and
push ash on the astray.
8. Empty ashtray
9. Take out ash tray (PA) from right side of the boiler.
10. Empty ashtray (PA) and place it back.
11. After cleaning, the boiler is ready for ignition.
Cleaning / maintenance interval
Boiler power
Before refilling of fuel / before
25, 35 and 45 kW
Flue gas tubes cleaning
For flue gas tubes cleaning in necessary to pull lever (ZP) few
Cleaning and maintenance of the boiler
Technical instructions
BioTec Plus