Model 702G/O Advanced gas/oil burners — Instruction manual
Carlin part number MN702GO Rev. 06/23/14
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Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.
6. Checkout procedure — before starting the burner
Before firing the burner . . .
Should overheating or an emergency occur, immediately
do the following:
• Shut off oil supply line and gas supply valves.
• Under some circumstances power should remain
on for water pumps or blowers. Determine proper
response before attempting start-up.
• If burner fails ignition on several attempts, use burner
blower to purge appliance chamber before restart.
Checklist before firing . . .
Burner and appliance installed per this manual and appliance
instruction manual?
Burner/appliance installed per all applicable codes?
Installation site has adequate combustion/ventilation air openings
and vent system?
Are voltages correct? Burner, appliance and motor correctly wired
per burner and appliance manuals and wiring diagrams?
Gas manifold spud orifices (on gas manifold, item 29, page 5) sealed
with pipe dope and tight?
Burner nozzle verified per appliance manufacturer’s instructions,
Carlin OEM Spec Guide or Table 1, page 4?
Gas and oil supply lines in good condition, sized and designed
Gas and oil line connections and fittings tight?
Oil tank has oil, and oil line valves are open. Oil supply and return
lines purged?
Burner, appliance and all components inspected and in good
Appliance limit and operating controls properly installed, wired and
Boiler water supply, feed pumps, automatic feeders, and low water
cut-offs properly piped and wired?
Breeching, draft regulator, draft inducer (if required) properly in-
stalled and operational?
Gas train piping and components correctly installed, tested and
verified gas tight?
Vent lines installed when required?
Gas lines purged?
Sufficient gas line pressure present?