CDE360 Vector Control AC Drive Chapter 6 Parameters Description
Group d2: Speed Control
Range: 1 ~ 100
Default: 30
ASR proportional
gain Kp1
Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp1) in low speed situation.
Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00
Default: 0.50
ASR integration
time Ti1
Unit: Sec
Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti1) in low speed situation.
Range: 1 ~ 100
Default: 20
ASR proportional
gain Kp2
Speed control loop proportional gain (Kp2) in high speed situation.
Range: 0.01 ~ 10.00
Default: 1.00
ASR integration
time Ti2
Unit: Sec
Speed control loop proportional integral time (Ti2) in high speed situation.
Low speed
Range: 0.00 ~ d2.05
Default: 5.00
Unit: Hz
switchover frequency1
High speed
Range: d2.04 ~b0.00
Default: 10.00
Unit: Hz
switchover frequency2
The speed dynamic response characteristics in vector control can be adjusted by setting the
proportional gain and integral time of the speed loop controller.
The larger proportional gain (Kp) the faster response will be. However, system may be
unstable when Kp is too large.
The less integral time (Ki) the faster response will be. However, system may be unstable
when Ti is too small.
If the running frequency is less than or equal to "Switchover frequency 1" (d2.04), the
speed loop controller parameters are d2.00 and d2.01.
If the running frequency is equal to or greater than "Switchover frequency 2" (d2.05),
the speed loop controller parameters are d2.02 and d2.03.
If the running frequency is between d2.04 and d2.05, the speed loop PI parameters