You have agreed not to copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, adapt,
translate, or modify any part of the source code relating to the Software in a binary
or compiled form.
You have agreed not to design, develop, manufacture, or license to other
devices, accessories, software applications by using the WebStation proprietary
Third Parties Applications
The applications from third parties grant the third parties obtaining the
software rights. And, Camangi is not responsible for examining or evaluating the
quality, completeness, legality, and copyright compliance of Third Parties’
applications or linkage.
Any Third Parties linage should observe the internet agreement themselves, not
to use offensive, indecent, or objectionable word. Camangi is not responsible for the
intended and impolite wording offensive.
Any Third Parties reserve the right to change, remove, or disable access to any
application services at any time without notice. Camangi is not responsible for the
above actions, damages, or losses from the third parties.
Disclaimer of Warranties
To the maximum extent permitted law, the WebStation software are provided
“As Is” and “As Available” . Hereby Camangi disclaim expressing or implying all
warranties and conditions with respect to the WebStation software. Camangi is not
responsible for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and
non-infringement of third party rights.
Governing Law
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of
Taiwan, Republic of China, without reference to its conflict of laws principles. You
agree that the appropriate forum and venue for any claim or controversy arising out
of this Agreement shall be in Taipei and hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction
and venue of the courts thereof.