Burleigh PiezoDrill
Inertial Impact Drill User’s Manual
2 Equipment and Materials
Burleigh Instruments, Inc. 2002 (08572-M-01 Rev D)
The information contained in this document is privileged information and
is intended for the personal and confidential use of Burleigh PiezoDrill customers.
The PiezoDrill eliminates the need for beveling and drawing a sharp tip on
the pipette. These features were required for conventional zona penetration,
but the PiezoDrill allows penetration with a flat pipette. Therefore, the
optimal pipette is simply broken or cut flat at the precise internal and external
diameter required for the application. This operation can be done easily
using a standard microforge with a 100 or 150
m platinum filament and
good resolution optics at high magnification (300X-500X). Any rough edges
remaining after the pipette is broken should be gently removed by heat
polishing using low heat. The tip of the pipette
does not
need to be acid
The tip of the pipette should be bent to form a section that can be placed
parallel to the working surface. The optimal angle of the bend depends on
the placement of the micromanipulator. In general, the angle will be 15-30
A bent tool with a section of the pipette that is parallel to the working surface
facilitates visualization of material in the pipette tip in the same focal plane
as the specimen.
The length of the “dogleg” created in the bent pipette is an important
consideration in obtaining optimum performance. Excellent results have
been achieved with the following pipette dimensions (shown in Figure 2):
1.0 mm OD, 0.75 mm ID, no filament (Sutter
Instruments, Novato, CA)
Total taper length
16 mm
Dogleg length
6 – 7 mm
Dogleg angle
15 - 30