Burleigh PiezoDrill
Inertial Impact Drill User’s Manual
3 Setup
(08572-M-01 Rev D)
Burleigh Instruments, Inc. 2002
The information contained in this document is privileged information and
is intended for the personal and confidential use of Burleigh PiezoDrill customers.
Figure 5:
Solid pipette holder connected to the PiezoDrill and the
The Importance of a Good Microinjector
A good microinjector is critical to successful use of the PiezoDrill. It is
important that the syringe responds precisely to fingertip commands. If
pressure inadvertently increases during the procedure, Fluorinert will be
pushed out of the end of the pipette. If pressure inadvertently decreases,
Fluorinert will move back into the pipette and the PiezoDrill will not operate
as efficiently. Because of its viscosity, oil is easier to control than Fluorinert.
Therefore, a marginal microinjector may suffice for traditional procedures
but may be inadequate for use with the PiezoDrill.
The Eppendorf Cell-Tram is by far the most precise and consistent device
that we have used, although satisfactory results have been achieved with
careful control of other microinjectors as well.