Burleigh PiezoDrill
Inertial Impact Drill User’s Manual
4 Recommended Procedure/Fluorinert
Burleigh Instruments, Inc. 2002 (08572-M-01 Rev D)
The information contained in this document is privileged information and
is intended for the personal and confidential use of Burleigh PiezoDrill customers.
Figure 11:
Expelling the drilled material
Returning through the original opening, use positive pressure to push the
nucleus toward the tip of the pipette. Deflect the oolemma almost to the
other side of the embryo and activate pulse 2 to break the cytoplasmic
membrane (note in the video how the edge of the membrane next to the
zona relaxes). Using positive pressure, inject the sperm or nucleus into
the cytoplasm as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12:
Injecting the nucleus or sperm
Apply slight positive pressure to prevent a latent vacuum from pulling
out any of the ooplasm and slowly remove the tool.
Repeat steps 2 through 9 on the next embryo.
After reviewing these steps, look carefully at the Nuclear Transfer video.
Note the position of the nucleus to be transferred at each stage of the process.
Proper pressure control and positioning of the sperm or nucleus is the key to