70 Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite
Instruction Manual
Changing Thread Colors in
Sequence View
As well as changing the colors of a design in the main design
window, you can also change them by selecting them in
Sequence view.
Sometimes it is easier to make thread color changes in
Sequence View than in the design workspace, because you can
always tell exactly which parts of the design you have selected.
In the design workspace window, by contrast, color segments
may overlap, making it difficult to choose only the one that you
want to change.
To change thread colors:
Select a color group by clicking on the thread name in the
Sequence View pane.
In the Color Palette area, do one of the following:
Using the current list, click one of the color boxes with
the thread color you want to use.
From the drop-down list on the left side of the palette,
select a Thread Chart and click one of the color boxes
with the thread color you want to use.
The embroidery will change to the selected color.
Sequencing Color Groups
The sequence view shows the groups of your design in the
order in which they will be sewn. Sequence is important,
because you want color groups that are near to each other to
sew out consecutively, if this is practical; this reduces jump
stitches and the need to trim them later. There are two ways to
change the sewing order in the sequence view: the “drag and
drop” method and the “cut and paste” method.
You can also select multiple color groups at the same time using
Sequence view.
To select more than one color group, press Ctrl-click on each
one. To select a series of consecutive color groups, click the first
in the series you want to select, and then Shift-click the last.