34 Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite
Instruction Manual
Using the Monogram Designer
You create your Monogram designs using the Monogram
Designer dialog. Open this dialog by clicking the Monogram
Designer button on the Home tab of the ribbon. To close the
Monogram Designer dialog, click the OK button to generate the
design, or the Cancel button to return to the main workspace
without adding a new monogram.
Layout of the Monogram Designer
There are several different areas of the dialog with different
functions. The following illustration identifies the parts of the
dialog; these terms will be used throughout the instructional
sections that follow.
Schematic guide to the parts of the Monogram Designer dialog: A=
Monogram styles area, B= Preview panel, C= Text area, D= Color change
swatches, E= Font area, F= Height field, G= Status bars, H= Template