Creating & Decorating Monograms 41
To display a font’s available keystrokes:
Open the Monogram Designer dialog.
In the Font1 or Font2 field, select the desired font from the
drop-down list.
Click on the available characters button
to the
immediate right of the font field.
You see a window that displays all the available keystrokes
that you can enter for the selected font.
Click the OK button to dismiss the available characters
Applying “Right-side” characters
A few of the Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite fonts contain
special characters, which have been digitized to fit on the right
side of monograms. These are the Circle, Decor Style, and
Script Style fonts.
In these fonts, the upper-case keystrokes (A, B, C...) produce
capital letters that slope
from left to right, and the lower-case
keystrokes (a, b, c...) produce capital letters that slope
from left to right. Combining the two types of letters gives a
proper shape to monograms created using these fonts.