20 Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite
Instruction Manual
To set up your workspace environment:
On the View tab of the Ribbon, select the Preferences
You see the Preferences dialog box.
Click the Environment tab.
From the Units list, select the units of measurement you
want used for your designs: Metric or English.
Click OK.
Changing Machine Format
All designs in Pacesetter BES Monogramming Suite have a
machine format. Machine formats have their own profile settings
that determine how embroidery information will be interpreted
when you save design files.
When you create a new design file, you can select the machine
format for the specific design. The selected machine format can
change how the design file is read. When you set machine
format properties in the Preferences dialog, all new designs will
use these machine format properties as the default settings.
To change machine format properties:
On the View tab of the Ribbon, select the Preferences
Click the Formats tab.
From the Machine format list, select the machine format that
you want applied to new design files.
Click OK.
If you open a design with the New/Recipe command, you can
select the recipe for the new design in the New Page dialog.
This will override whichever recipe is set as the default in the
Preferences dialog.
Changing machine format properties after a design file has
been opened will not change the machine format of the
embroidery designs in that design.