Au t hori z ati ons, s tandard s and di recti v es
User instructions. DGM speed regulator
10.2 Classification based on IEC/EN 61800-3
For each environment of the speed regulator category, the standard of reference defines test
procedures and degrees of precision that must be observed.
E nvi ronm ent defi ni ti on
First environment (residential, commercial and work area):
All the “areas” powered directly via a public low voltage connection, such as:
Residential areas, e.g. houses, housing facilities, etc.
Retail trade, such as shops, supermarkets
Public institutions, such as theaters, train stations
Outdoor areas, such as service stations and parking areas
Light industry: such as workshops, laboratories, small companies
Second environment (industrial):
Industrial environment with its own power supply network that is separated from the low voltage
public network by a transformer.
10.3 Standards and directives
The following apply in particular:
Electromagnetic Compatibility directive (directive 2014/30/EU)
Low Voltage directive (directive 2014/35/EU)