Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
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: When enabled, the channel selected in Spike
Panel, Single Neural Channel, or Raster Plot view is used as the monitor input.
: An analog output channel configured as a spike monitor will scale a
user input signal into a plus or minus 5 V output signal containing only identified
spike events.
Analog Output: Sine Waveform
An analog output channel configured as a sine waveform generator will produce
a user defined sine wave on a user defined trigger stimulus.
Amplitude (mV)
: Amplitude of the output sine wave.
Frequency (Hz)
: Frequency of the output sine wave.
Offset (mV)
: DC offset of the output sine wave.
Wave Number
: Select which of five waveforms are configured and used.
: Triggering options are explained on Page 34.
Analog Output: Custom Waveform
An analog output channel configured as a custom waveform generator will
produce a user defined waveform on a user defined trigger stimulus.
Wave Number
: Select which of five waveforms is configured and used.
Number of Phases
: Number of voltage phases in the waveform. 248 are
Offset (mV)
: DC offset of the waveform.
: Selects which phase is being configured.
Amplitude (mV)
: Phase amplitude.
Duration (ms)
: Phase duration.
: Indicates the number of times to repeat the waveform once triggered.
A value of 0 will repeat the waveform indefinitely.
Figure 20–Analog Output: Sine Generator