Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
External Power Supply
Five channel with monitoring, sequencing, and emergency shutdown control
120 or 240 VAC, 50-60Hz
+5.0 V, 500 mA analog
–5.0 V, 500 mA analog
+3.3 V, 300 mA digital
+3.3 V, 500 mA digital
+5.0 V, 300 mA digital
System Requirements
The specifications listed below are the minimum required by the software to run. Blackrock
supplies an optional Host PC that is configured and tested by our engineers before it ships with
your NeuroPort system. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Microsoft Windows 7 (x64) or Windows 10 (x64)
AMD or Intel 2.0 GHz Dual Core CPU
4 GB of RAM
1x Gbps Ethernet interface card
1 TB 3 Gbit/s SATA II HDD
System Description
The diagrams below show an overview of the assembled system and subcomponents. Refer to
the sections below for more detailed information on each component.