Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
modify the number of waveforms used in
Hardware Configuration > Spike
8. Click the Define button for your first unit.
9. Hold down the <Control> key and draw a line around a given cluster. The
program will automatically create an ellipsoid around the cluster. Repeat
this process for all the other units and channels.
: To save Manual PCA sorting rules in Central, click on
File > Save
System Settings….
To load Manual PCA sorting rules, click
File > Load
System Settings….
To save PCA basis vectors, click
File > Save PCA
To load PCA basis vectors, click
File > Load PCA Basis….
k-means PCA
1. Open the Hardware Configuration window and select one channels of
interest. Multiple channels may be selected and sorted at once.
2. Right click and choose Properties or click on the “Properties” icon.
3. Choose “k-means PCA” from the spike sorting drop down menu.
4. From the Central Suite main window select
Tools > Auto Spike Sorting
Method > All PCA Spike Sorting
to begin the sorting process on all
channels previously selected.
5. Open Single Neural Channel and select the channel of interest from the
drop-down menu.
6. Make sure the unit icon is pressed down so you can see the units
7. Click on the Feature tab.
Figure 47–PCA Basis Waveforms