Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
Sets various general options for the Central Software Suite.
Allow Multiple Instances Of
Allows more than one instance of each checked window type to be
Sorting Log Rules
Sorting rules are the manually or automatically defined spike unit
classifications used to recognize and separate neural spike events.
Do Not Log Sort Changes:
Disables sort change logging.
Log Sorting Changes on ‘Record’:
Will automatically log the spike-
sorting model, the signal to noise ratio summary, and the crosstalk
summary if rebuilt during recording.
Log Sorting Changes ‘Always’:
Will log the spike-sorting model, the
signal to noise ratio summary, and the crosstalk summary any time it is
Log PCA coordinates on ‘Record’:
Will log the spike-sorting model only
when recording begins.
Figure 14–Central Options