Revision 1.00 / LB-1070 – NeuroPort Biopotential Signal Processing System IFU
© 2021 Blackrock Microsystems, LLC
Menu Bar
The menu bar is found at the top of the Central Main window and contains File, Tools,
and Windows drop-downs.
The File menu contains functions to load
and save various configuration files as
well as the option to close applications
and shut down the Neural Signal
Processing hardware.
Load System Settings:
Load channel
settings in the ‘.ccf’ and ‘.rcf’ formats.
Load Sorting Rules:
Load system-
calculated Histogram Peak Count sorting
rules in the ‘.csr’ format.
Load PCA Basis:
Load system-
calculated principle component analysis
basis vectors in the ‘.cfsd’ format.
Load Digital Filters:
Load digital filters
in the ‘.xml’ format created by the Digital
Filter Editor.
Save System Settings:
Saves the
channel settings currently set in
Hardware Configuration.
Save Sorting Rules:
Saves spike-
sorting parameters.
Save PCA Basis:
Saves PCA basis vectors calculated during spike sorting.
Close Applications:
Closes Central Suite programs while leaving the hardware
Hardware Standby and Close:
Closes Central Suite programs and puts
hardware into standby mode. The system must be in standby mode for firmware
Hardware Shutdown and Close:
Closes Central, all its associated applications
and shuts down the Neural Signal Processor. Manually turn off the system power
switch to complete hardware shutdown.
The Tools menu contains functions regarding thresholding, spike-sorting and
general application settings. The spike sorting options are discussed on Page 38.
Figure 13–Central File Menu