Calendar view
When you select a time range of a month (or roughly a month,
such as 30 d), and a Frequency of 15 min you get a calendar
view multi panel plot of the data: every day is a little chart
and each day’s position is like in a calendar (from left to right:
Sunday, Monday, …, Saturday). The example below shows the
custom time range Month = 2022-05.
When your time range includes more than one day, and your
selected frequency is 15 min, you can click on “
(25). You get a bar chart with an average count of mosquitoes
at each 15 min time window. For example, when you analyze
data of a 30-day time range and the trap was turned on all
that time, you get for each 15 min time window the average
number of mosquitoes collected at that time window (sum of
mosquitoes collected in 30 days divided by 30). In this way
you can get a better idea of average activity peaks at your lo-
cation. This can be helpful if you want to determine the best
time for adulticide treatments, for example. The chart below
shows what happens, when switching from “Line-Chart” to
“Histogram” in the chart above: