The Analyzer allows you to analyze your mosquito catch data
in a more comprehensive way, than in the Dashboard:
You can analyze single traps or compare selected traps
with each other.
Charts, tables and density maps help you to identify lo-
cations with high mosquito infestation.
The “threshold map” shows, which of your traps collec-
ted on average more mosquitoes per day, than their spe-
cified threshold.
If you have many traps so that you have different geo-tags
(“State”, “City”, “Custom Group 1”, “Custom Group 2”). You
can either select one group or compare multiple groups
with each other. For example: If you have the two catego-
ries “Neighborhood A” and “Neighborhood B” for the geo-tag
Custom Group 1, you can compare the mean counts (Mos-
quitoes, small or large objects) of the two groups with each
other, and compare all locations that belong to these groups
with each other.
Analyzer Overview Table
When you access the Analyzer section, you see the “Analyzer
Overview” table (see figure below). In this table, you choose
which location(s) or group(s) you want to analyze.
Over the table, there is a drop-down menu “
” (18).
In the default selection “
No Group
”, all of your locations are
listed. The table shows, which geo-tags are assigned to each
of your locations.
When you select
GroupBy = City
, you get a list of all cities,
where you have traps.
By selecting
GroupBy = Custom Group 1
, you get a list of
your Custom Group 1, and so on.
Select what to analyze
Single Location
If you want to analyze a single location, the drop-down menu
should be set to “No Group” (default setting). Click on the
name of the location that you want to analyze to access the
Single Location Analyzer.
Multiple Locations
If you want to compare two or more locations, the drop-down
menu should be set to “No Group”. Check the boxes next to
the location names of the traps that you want to compare.
Click on the blue button “
Analyze (N)
” that appears on the
top-right corner of the screen. “
” refers to the number of
locations that you selected.
Single Group
Choose in the drop-down menu, which kind of group you
want to analyze (Country, State, City, Custom Group 1, Cus-
tom Group 2). Click on the name of the group that you want
to analyze to access the Single Group Analyzer.
Multiple Groups
Choose in the drop-down menu, to which category the
groups that you want to compare belong to (Country, Sta-
te, City, Custom Group 1, Custom Group 2). Check the boxes
next to the names of the groups that you want to compare.
Click on the blue button “
Analyze (N)
” that appears on the
top-right corner of the screen. “
” refers to the number of
selected groups.