The Bigfoot Unity
Diabetes Management System User Guide | Chapter 6
Considerations if You Record a Dose You Did Not Take
Bigfoot Unity records that you took a dose of insulin every time the Cap
is replaced after being removed for more than 4 seconds. This re-sets
the dose timer and displays the “time since last dose” as 0 min 0 sec.
There are times that you may re-set the dose timer accidentally when
you did not actually take a dose. Some examples of this might be:
• Removing your Cap to check the insulin in your insulin pen takes
longer than 4 seconds.
• The Cap falls off the insulin pen in your backpack or pocketbook.
• You do not snap the Cap into place after you take a dose.
For any of these, or other reasons, Bigfoot Unity will record a dose at
the time the Cap is placed back on the insulin pen.
If the dose is recorded at the wrong time, you will need to take extra
precautions for a period of time.
• The White Cap will re-set the “time since last dose” after it records
a dose (even if you didn’t actually take the dose). For the next 3
hours, the Cap screen will display “Active Insulin” instead of giving
you a suggested correction dose. If your glucose is high, you will
need to use a backup method to determine if a correction dose is
needed. Three hours after your White Cap has been placed back
on the pen, it will go back to showing correction doses for high
• The Black Cap will re-set the “time since last dose” after it records
a dose (even if you didn’t actually take the dose). If you have set
the Long-Acting Dose Alert to remind you to check that you took
your long-acting insulin dose after a certain period of time, it may
not alert you at the time you are expecting. This means that you
may need to remember when to take your next dose of long-acting
insulin and not rely on Bigfoot Unity to remind you. Follow your
health care provider’s instructions if you do not know whether or not
you took a long-acting dose of insulin.
If your last rapid-acting insulin dose logged using
the White Cap was taken within the past 3 hours, the Cap will
display “Active Insulin” and will not display a correction dose. This
is because the last dose may be still working to bring down your
glucose. Taking another insulin dose on top of the previous dose
that is still working may lead to hypoglycemia.