At this point, each control panel needs to be conigured appropriately, starting
by entering a MASTER control panel that will have control over all the others,
which therefore have to be set as SLAVE units (DIP 5).
Also set the Zone number (DIP 6) in the range 0 to 127 (range 9 to 127
with programmer).
A centralized system can be produced either with an open loop or closed
loop (DIP 4):
open loop: the connections marked with dotted lines in Fig.4 are not made.
When connecting, the MASTER unit must be the irst in the series.
Closed loop: the connections marked with dotted lines in Fig.4 are made.
When connecting, the MASTER unit can be in any position.
By connecting a programmer that is compatible with the EElink protocol,
you can read a number of statistical parameters relating to the system,
such as:
Board version:
gives the name and version of the board connected.
List description:
gives the description assigned to the system. This descrip-
tion can be entered or edited via the universal handheld programmer.
Number of operations:
gives the number of operations that the panel has
performed since its installation.
Number of operations since service: gives the number of operations perfor-
med since the last service, where service means any board coniguration
operation, including self-diagnosis.
Service date:
gives the date of the last service.
Update service:
can be used to update the number of operations since
the last service.
The panel features a LED that, during the automation system’s normal ope-
ration, lashes on and off quickly once a second to indicate that it is being
powered and that no programming modes are active.
If the LED stays unlit, check mains power and make sure DIP switch n°10
is not set to ON (wireless management on).
If the LED stays steadily lit, or lashes on and off a number of times followed
by a pause lasting approx. 1 sec., or lashes quickly and continuously, make
sure DIP switch n°6 is not set to ON (zone programming mode).
In addition to the warnings provided by the LED, the ELBA panel can be used
to run the self-diagnosis functions provided for by the EElink protocol.
When you run self-diagnosis with the aid of the universal handheld program-
mer, you get a diagnostic message telling you what inputs are active, i.e.
in a state other than the normal standby state. Standby state is deined as
the condition whereby no command signal is active and no safety device
has been triggered.
the twilight sensor input appears as the timer input.
The maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualiied
personnel regularly.
The materials making up the set and its packing must
be disposed of according to the regulations in force.
Batteries must be properly disposed of.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are
not binding. The Company reserves the right to make any alterations
deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial
improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product fea-
tures unchanged, at any time and without undertaking to update the
present publication.
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Retrouvez tous les produits du fabricant BFT sur notre site internet www.confort-electrique.fr