This field is for the Partition Label (16
characters). The
will identify the Partition
in all the operations it is involved in.
Entry Time
This field will allow you to set the Partition
Entry Time
. Violation of an Armed
Entry Delay
will trigger the programmed
Entry Time
The Partition
Entry Time
will be signalled by:
Entry time on partition
event for the Partition;
an audible signal from the Partition Keypads.
An Alarm will not be generated if the violated Partition is
Disarmed before the
Entry time
Exit Time
This field will allow you to set the Partition
Exit Time
. Violation of an Armed
Exit Delay
Zone will
trigger the programmed
Exit Time
If violation ends before the
Exit time
expires, the Zone
will not generate an Alarm.
The Partition
Exit Time
will be signalled by:
Exit time on partition
event for the relevant Par-
an audible signal on the Partition Keypads.
Last Exit Time
This field will allow you to set the
Exit Time
. Violation of an Armed
Last Exit
Zone will
trigger the programmed
Last Exit Time
of its Partition.
This feature will allow the system to Arm as soon as the
Last Exit Time
Valid entries for
Last Exit Times
0 minutes and 0 seconds through 59 minutes and 55
seconds, in 5-second steps.
If you enter a higher value, it will be converted automati-
cally to the maximum admissible value.
If you enter a value that is not a multiple of 5 seconds, it
will be rounded off to the nearest 5-second step.
Default setting: 1 minute.
Partition Code
This field is for the Partition User
Code. When a Partition-related event occurs, the Digital
Communicator will send the relevant Partition Code to
the telephone numbers with the
Send Always
Disabled (refer to “Digital Communicator”).
Partition Code
is useful in shared Security system
applications (for example, in an apartment building or
Shopping Mall, etc.) where it is necessary to identify the
Partition in Alarm status rather than the system (the
Partition Code
will identify the Partition whereas the
Customer Code
will identify the system).
If the reporting format supports 4 digits, only the
first four digits will be sent.
If the protocol does not support hexadecimal digits
(A, B, C, D and F), they will be converted to 0.
Negligence Time
Under normal circumstances, Users
Arm their systems with a certain regularity, if this does
not occur, it may be due to Negligence on the User’s be-
half or may mean that the User is in difficulty (due to se-
rious illness, accident or delinquency), in which case,
this feature will prompt the Central station operator to
take the necessary action.
This programming field will allow you to set the
gence Time
. If the system is not Armed within the pro-
grammed time, the Control panel will generate the
ligence on Partition
Valid entries: 1 through 60000 minutes (41 days and 16
hours) in 1-minute steps.
Invalid entries (over 60000 minutes) will generate an er-
ror message.
If this option is left at default (0), Negligence will not be
will be signalled by:
Event negligence on partition
event — rele-
vant to the Partitions the Zone is assigned to.
Auto-Arm Timeout
This field will allow you to program
the Automatic Arm pre-alert period.
For example, if the Timer is set to Arm Partition no. 1 at
17:45 p.m. with a 15-minute
Auto-Arm Timeout
, the
system will generate the
Autoarming warning parti-
tion no. 1
event at 17.30, and will signal the start of the
pre-alert period.
The pre-alert signal will warn anyone on the premises
that the system is about to Arm. During the pre-alert
phase the system will accept Overtime Requests.
If no valid Code is entered during this period, the sys-
tem will Arm as programmed.
The event will end when the programmed Auto-Arm
expires or when the Partition Arms after an
Overtime request.
Valid entries: 0 through 240 minutes, in 1-minute steps.
If you set 0, there will be no warning.
If you enter a higher value than the maximum, it will be
converted automatically to 240 minutes.
Auto-Arm Signal
If this option is enabled (
) for the
Partition (Enabled at Default), the Partition Keypads will
emit an audible signal (beep) during the entire pre-alert
Extended Ready-to-Arm Delay
When a Partition trig-
gers an Alarm, the system will generate the relevant
Memory alarm on partition
event which, as a result,
will generate the
Extended not Ready-to-Arm parti-
event (refer to “Extended not Ready-to-Arm parti-
tion” under “Events-Actions”).
Extended Ready-to-Arm Delay
determines the
period between the start of the Partition Alarm and
forced termination of the
Extended not Ready-to-Arm
Valid entries: 0 through 30 minutes, in 1-minute steps.
If you enter a higher value than the maximum, the appli-
cation will prompt the maximum setting of 30 minutes.
Default setting: 5 minutes.
Patrol Time
This programming field will allow you to
set the
Patrol Time
. If the system is disarmed by a User
Code with the Patrol attribute (refer to “Patrol Code” un-
der “Keypad Codes — User”), it will rearm automatically
when the programmed
Patrol Time
Valid entries: 0 through 254 minutes in 1-minute steps
Default setting: 10 minutes.