2122.6-0000010 OM
Samples of displaying fault messages on the multifunctional display and a short de-
scription of the tractor fault displayed are given in table 2.8.3.
Table 2.8.3 – Samples of displaying messages on tractor faults on the multifunction
Parameter tested
Sample of fault display-
ing on the Integrated In-
Fault description
Testing of speed
sensors workability
In case there are no signals coming from
the speed sensor for 10-12 sec. a mes-
sage in the form of “0” digit is displayed on
the multifunctional display characterizing
the location of the faulty sensor (left or
right) or breakage in the circuit of the
given sensor.
Testing of frequency
fuel volume sensor
(FFVS) workability
If there is no signal coming from the fre-
quency fuel volume sensor for two sec. a
message “FUEL” is displayed on the
Testing of CAN-bus
workability and con-
nection to the Inte-
grated Indicator
If there are no signals through CAN-bus of
the integrated indicator a message “C-
BUS” appears on the multifunction dis-
If there are no signals from the engine control unit, missing the respective indication
modes are switched off automatically and the message C-BUS appears in information field
2 of the multifunction display (figure 2.8.3).
Each of the above stated fault messages is displayed according to the priority on in-
formation field 2 of the multifunction display irrespective of the information currently dis-
played. With successive pushing the “Mode” button of the integrated indicator control
module, the messages shall be listed in turn. After listing the last message and the re-
peated pressing “Mode” button, the multifunction display changes into displaying the cyclic
mode of the operating parameters specified before.
The fault messages are displayed on the LCD-screen every time the device is actu-
ated until the cause is eliminated.
When the integrated indicator is turned on, the multifunction display shows informa-
tion in the indication mode chosen before the moment of turning off the integrated indica-
2.8.3 Pilot lamps of the integrated indicator
The operating principle of pilot lamps on the integrated indicator is the following:
- pilot lamp to indicate switching on the road lights upper beam 11 (figure 2.8.1)
lights up when switching on the upper beam;
- indicators of tractor turns and trailer turns 13 and 12 operate in the flashing mode
when actuated with the under-wheel multifunction switch 2 (figure 2.2.1) or when emer-
gency button 4 is turned on;
- pilot lamp to indicate the actuation of parking brake 14 (figure 2.8.1) operates in
the flashing mode with 1 Hz frequency when the parking brake sensor goes off;
- pilot lamp to indicate increased on-board voltage 15 gets activated when the trac-
tor on-board supply voltage goes up above 19V and goes out when the voltage falls below
- pilot lamp to indicate low level of coolant 16 is not used on “BELARUS – 2122.6”
Left wheel