Care and Maintenance
Frequent cleaning will ensure proper operation and prolong the life
of the centrifuge.
Always clean up spills when they occur to prevent
corrosives or contaminants from drying on component surfaces
(Be careful not to spill liquid on the instrument where electrical or
mechanical components could become damaged.)
• Remove the rotor from the centrifuge often (at least weekly,
depending on usage) and clean the bowl, drive shaft, and tie-down
screw using a mild detergent such as Beckman Solution 555™
(339555) and a soft brush. Dilute the detergent 10 to 1 with water.
Rinse thoroughly and dry completely. Lubricate the drive shaft
with Spinkote (306812) after cleaning.
• Keep the interior of the rotor chamber clean and dry by frequent
wiping with a cloth or paper towel. To prevent accumulations of
sample, dust, and/or glass particles from broken sample tubes from
damaging rotor pins (causing rotor vibrations), remove the rotor
and clean the chamber often. Spray the centrifuge chamber with an
antistatic solution and wipe it clean. (Or use an antistatic wipe.)
• Clean the centrifuge case and door by wiping with a damp cloth or
washing with Solution 555. Do not use acetone or other solvents.
Before using any cleaning or decontamination
methods except those recommended by the
manufacture, users should check with the
manufacturer that the proposed method will not
damage the equipment.
If the centrifuge and/or accessories are contaminated with radioactive
or pathogenic solutions, follow appropriate decontamination proce-
dures as determined by your laboratory safety officer. Refer to
Chemical Resistances
(publication IN-175) to ensure that the
decontamination method does not damage any part of the instrument
or accessories.