Pressed to select the run duration, using the cursor keys.
Timed run—
can be set up to 9 hours, 59 minutes (a minutes
parameter exceeding 59 is automatically converted into hours).
Continuous run—
timer is set for less than 0 or more than 9 hours,
59 minutes (by pressing the down cursor key after the display
reaches 0, or the up cursor key after the display reaches 9:59).
When this key is pressed, the
display flashes, indicating
that the temperature can be entered with the cursor keys. Temperature
can be set between –20 and +40°C.
] [
(Cursor Keys)
Up and down arrow keys, which can be pressed to increment
parameter values up or down.
Pressed after each parameter is entered to register the entry. Also
pressed to verify parameter changes (speed, time, temperature, and
deceleration rate) made during a run in progress.
Enables selection of one of 10 preset acceleration rates (see Table 3-1
in Section 3), available to protect specific gradient and sample-to-
gradient interfaces. If no acceleration rate is selected, the centrifuge
defaults to maximum acceleration.
Enables selection of one of 10 preset deceleration rates (see Table 3-1
in Section 3) available to maintain optimum separation. If no deceler-
ation rate is selected, the centrifuge defaults to maximum
deceleration. (Deceleration rate 0 is always coast to complete stop.)
Digital Displays
The displays indicate rotor speed, run time, rotor chamber tempera-
ture, and numbers representing selected acceleration and deceleration
profiles. The displays serve a dual purpose.
• When the run parameters are being entered (input mode), they
show the set values selected. When a parameter key is pressed, the
appropriate display flashes to indicate that data can be entered.